
This course is designed for students who enjoy artwork in the two-dimensional field.  Students can continue onto more involved painting assignments and explore more painting techniques than in Studio Art.  Students will continue developing their own individual style and creative problem solving skills.  Students will explore Acrylic paint, Tempera Paint, Gouache, and Watercolor techniques.  We will also explore Art History and many painting styles and artists. 
Acrylic painting by Alex

High School Painting is now running this spring.  We started off the semester with Color Theory and experimenting with the Acrylic paints. We finished a collaborative tree project that will be permanently installed in a high school hallway. 

We are finishing painting Mandalas. Artist Roshan Houshmand came into our classroom and shared her art and the history behind Tibetan Mandalas.  The painting class has been creating and painting their own Mandalas.  Finished photos coming soon...
Artist Roshan Houshmand working with Christel

Making plans for the final stages...

I. Orrego

I. Orrego

K. Buerge

Sean G's Fauvist Great Wall of China

Daniel V's brilliant desert painting

Community Pantry project