Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We were there!
Roxbury Motel
What an inspiring visit!  One of the owners; Gregory, graciously invited us into approximately 8 of their amazing rooms.  Here we are in the Coconut Room that I posted earlier.  I originally thought it was about Marshmallows, but found out it is inspired by Mary on Gilligan's Island and Coconut Cream Pie. It even smelled like Coconuts in the room! It was one of my personal favorites because the ceiling is amazing.  It was built with Styrofoam and other materials and took months to create. 
   Wizard of Oz room! So cool! Follow the yellow brick road!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Do you love to set up your room or think about what color the walls will be next? 

Maybe Interior Design is a career choice for you.  The H.S. Art Club will be visiting the Roxbury Motel the first week of December.  The owners have taken design, art, function, and interior design to the next level! And it's right here in our neighborhood!

Check out their website:

One of their many outrageous, amazing rooms!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Photo Contest!! Chance to win $$$ or a camera!

Do you have an award winning photo? Submit it to Photographer's Forum!

Early Deadline is coming up, but the last deadline is November 18th- Plenty of time!

Click this website for more information:

Friday, September 13, 2013

Great opportunity for students interested in Film!

Film Workshops at SUNY Delhi on Saturday, September 21st

See Mrs. Wentland for more information!

CMFF Workshop Poster

Sunday, May 5, 2013

RAG Mentor + Mentee Art Show

Roxbury Arts Group Mentor + Mentee Art Reception

The Reception on Saturday, May 4th, was a wonderful event.  Even more exciting was that Chelsea sold her first piece at the opening! She sold her photo of Alexis in a mask; the woman who bought the photograph collects anything and everything masks.  Chelsea is on her way in the art world; it was a fantastic experience for both of us. Thank you RAG for this opportunity!  

It was great to meet the other artists and get feedback about our work.  Among some of the Artists showing there are Janice DeMarino + Amy Royal (Art teacher at Roxbury), Nat Thomas + Karen Butcher, Peter Yamaoka + Jessica Aaronson (a young student as well), Stephanie Rozene + Marge Gormley, the Creative Crones Elaine Grandy + Bonnie Mitchell + Linda Lariar.   The show will be at RAG until July 13th.  The gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-3pm.

Monday, April 29, 2013

MCS takes 3rd place at OVA 2013!

 31st Annual New York State Olympics of the Visual Arts
April 23, 2013
Sponored by NYSATA (New York State Art Teacher's Association)

In the High School area, Margaretville went with two teams this year.  Rhiannon K. entered in the Painting division.  Alana M., Chelsea S., Issis O., and Lindsay D. entereted in the Drawing division.  Each category has a Creative Problem that the students have worked on for month.  They take it to the Olympics and then solve a Spontaneous Problem at the site, having only an hour and a half.  The judging takes place by Professors of Art, Art Teachers, Professional Artists, and Pratt Students.  The judging comprises of the Long-term problem, the Spontaneous problem, and their process shown in their sketchbook.

This year the Painting category was tough.  The problem was to paint a portrait which displays mystery to the viewer. Rhiannon painted a lovely painting, of a woman with a half hidden face.  She worked hard for many months and her painting looked great with all of the others.  In the end she had a professional painter spend ten minutes with her giving her tips and telling her what she did well.

The Drawing category had to portray "The Herd Mentality".   Alana was the mastermind of the project and then asked a few girls to join her.  She chose to illustrate "Sheeple".  In the drawing the sheep are leaving the quiet farms and entering the city.  They slowly morph into standing sheep and end up looking like spaced-out workers carrying brief cases.  There are lots of little secrets and hidden quotes.  It's quite a piece.  There were a lot of amazing drawings and there were about twenty high school teams competing.  We were pleasantly surprised to win third place! The girls were ecstatic! They ran to the stage to receive their ribbons.  It was so exciting.  Their work is on display at school in the main Hallway and we hope to display them in the community.

Miss Dietz, the Pre-K Art teacher, took a middle school group for Fashion Design. They also did a fantastic job and came away with third place as well.  It was an exciting day for Margaretville! What was wonderful was the fact that most of these schools are large, with big art departments and different kinds of budgets.  It was amazing to see that Margaretville is at the same level.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

History of Advertising

A great timeline from Egyptian time to present day...

A great youtube video...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Why are Facebook pictures and especially the timeline photo usually blurry?

Well, here is an interesting article that tells why this is so and also how you can fix it.
Those of you in Computer Art, we will probably be discussing this in class at some point,
and for others probably not. But here is the article;

Good luck!